Sunday 8 March 2009

Future astronaut?

Last night while looking out the window Ruby noticed the moon! She loves the moon!
After looking at it for a while she informed me "I'm going to go there one day mama"
So there you go, we've got a future moon walker in our midst!

Saturday 24 January 2009

A very overdue update!

Well a lot has happened since I last posted. Our girl has enjoyed her 2nd Christmas and turned 2!!

We had Granny and uncle Andrew here from Ireland the week before Christmas which was lovely and Ruby really loved spending time with them especially Andrew. She used to sit on his lap at the computer looking at photos on Flickr!

Actual Christmas Day was a bit of a non event as Mama and Dada were working but Ruby did get to spend the day with Namma and Grandad and she got her beloved keyboard at last!

The next day was Ruby's 2nd birthday. We went out for dinner with Namma and Grandad and had birthday cake and presents.

Since Christmas a lot has happened, we've found out that Ruby is going to be a big sister in August, actually we found that out before Christmas but we've had a scan now which proves there is actually a baby in there! Ruby is very excited and often mentions that she also has a baby in her tummy :)
Other news includes Ruby's first wee wee on the potty earlier this week and tonight is her first night in her big girl bed! So far she is fast asleep as usual so we hope that continues. We've had some trouble with her eating lately but this last week has been amazing, she has eaten almost everything given to her, she's even tried new things and apparently courgette, red peppers and brocolli are yummy!
Our little girl is growing up before our eyes and in some ways it's sad to say goodbye to the baby she was but in other ways it's so exciting to see the little girl she is becoming.

Friday 12 December 2008

2 weeks and counting!

In 2 weeks time Ruby will be 2! I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!
In 2 short years she has gone from a dependent little baby to an independent, walking, talking in sentances little person! She is such a joy, an absolute blessing to everyone in her little life. There are days that I wonder what I did to deserve the privilage to be little little one's mama.

An example of how lovely she is.

This morning I spent hours cleaning up after unwanted guests............mice in our kitchen. I ended up sobbing because this just isn't the sort of home I want to raise my daughter in, I don't want to worry if the cutlery has had mice running over it, or if her cereal has been mouse food. So I'm sat their crying and she climbs into my lap to "kiss it better". Oh I love my girl so much!

Tuesday 18 November 2008


This evening while I was preparing dinner Ruby pulled the iron down from the kitchen counter onto her head. Oh my goodness, my world stopped briefly until I could confirm she was still breathing and conscious and in fact screaming! There was no blood, just a very shocked and upset little girl and a really shaken up mama.
I ended up calling NHS direct to see what they thought I should do. After putting an icepack against Ruby's head for as long as she would tolerate it I gave her her dinner. She ate it!
The nurse I spoke to said she thought Ruby was just fine but wanted me to take her to A&E to get her checked to make sure. So I had to phone my husband and my inlaws and tell them I'd broken the baby. My inlaws came and gave us a lift to the hospital and Jon came and met us there.
We were triaged and then seen by a clinical nurse specialist who was happy that Ruby was fine, she had no symptoms of a head injury so we brought her home.
She's now in bed and I've checked on her twice in the last 2 hours, she's still breathing.
God has entrusted this little person to my care (what was He thinking?) and I've endangered her, it could have been so much worse, I could have broken her permanently. I feel awful, I feel like a failure. I guess almost 2 years isn't too bad, my mum broke me when I was 9 months old, and she actually did break me, or at least I broke my arm when I flew through the air out of a shopping trolley.

Thank you Lord that she is okay, and please forgive me for not taking better care of her. I will do better.

Friday 31 October 2008

Life is an adventure

Today I took Ruby to soft play with her little friend Ellie and her mama Alison. We had only been to soft play once before when we were in Ireland so we were both excited and looking forward to it. We had a great time and even went down a really big slide 3 times with the little girls on our laps.
It's lovely to watch Ruby and Ellie playing, this is a really lovely age, they love to explore and learn new things. Ruby just turns to me and waves and says bye bye and goes off and plays, she really isn't bothered at all by older kids or noise or anything.
One thing that we are starting to notice though is her preference for me rather than daddy, so much so that she will often scream when he lifts her up and try and get back to me. When I'm not around she is perfectly happy with her daddy, but if I'm there she just wants me a lot of the time. I'm guessing it's just a phase and she will grow out of it.
Now if she would just go to sleep and have her nap I'd be a happy woman! She's been in her cot since 12.30 and is still awake. I think the fact she hasn't had a nap for 3 days means she has forgotten that she actually needs one. Ho hum!

Sunday 5 October 2008

Recent photo!


My mama hasn't been very good at updating my blog, she is very busy though!

I'm now 21 months.

Some of my favourite things are:

- books, I love to look at books!

- I love to eat! My new favourite is peanut butter!

- I love going to church and like to say Amen loudly after prayers.

- My daddy's favourite time of day is bedtime stories, I like them too!

- I've started swimming lessons and although I was very nervous in the beginning I'm starting to get more confident!

- I love to walk and like walking down our road and stopping at each gate and examining the step or wall or gate etc, even the shortest walk can take a long time!

- I love trains and we often walk past the station and I wave at the trains.

- I love music and like to dance and sing!!