Tuesday, 18 November 2008


This evening while I was preparing dinner Ruby pulled the iron down from the kitchen counter onto her head. Oh my goodness, my world stopped briefly until I could confirm she was still breathing and conscious and in fact screaming! There was no blood, just a very shocked and upset little girl and a really shaken up mama.
I ended up calling NHS direct to see what they thought I should do. After putting an icepack against Ruby's head for as long as she would tolerate it I gave her her dinner. She ate it!
The nurse I spoke to said she thought Ruby was just fine but wanted me to take her to A&E to get her checked to make sure. So I had to phone my husband and my inlaws and tell them I'd broken the baby. My inlaws came and gave us a lift to the hospital and Jon came and met us there.
We were triaged and then seen by a clinical nurse specialist who was happy that Ruby was fine, she had no symptoms of a head injury so we brought her home.
She's now in bed and I've checked on her twice in the last 2 hours, she's still breathing.
God has entrusted this little person to my care (what was He thinking?) and I've endangered her, it could have been so much worse, I could have broken her permanently. I feel awful, I feel like a failure. I guess almost 2 years isn't too bad, my mum broke me when I was 9 months old, and she actually did break me, or at least I broke my arm when I flew through the air out of a shopping trolley.

Thank you Lord that she is okay, and please forgive me for not taking better care of her. I will do better.